The Cornerstones of Healthy Food Systems
Reflections and discussions on the cornerstones of 1) agriculture, 2) the environment, 3) human health, and 4) freedom that are essential for building healthy food systems and prosperous economies.
The Cornerstones of Healthy Food Systems
The Largest Terrestrial Carbon Sink is Bigger than the Amazon Rainforest
This episode highlights calcium carbonate, which you might recognize as caliche, as a form of inorganic carbon. Calcium carbonate represents the world's largest terrestrial carbon sink, and cautions growers, policy makers, and carbon credit brokers to monitor carbon dynamics closely when capturing carbon through agriculture.
The episode is supported by JAL Farms through Western SARE project FW22-399. Project details can be found on the Western SARE website.
Read more about soil carbonates
Soil carbonates: The unaccounted, irrecoverable carbon source. Geoderma Volume 384, 15 February 2021, 114817
The Cornerstones of Healthy Food Systems Podcast Introduction by David Lucero.
Theme music by Zakhar Valaha
This version was updated in summer, 2023, when we decided to remove the cornerstones.endofite.com website reference. The only change was to remove the word cornerstones from the website reference.
This podcast is created and produced by End-O-Fite Enterprises LLC.
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